Source code for django_prbac.fields

from django.db import models

import django_prbac.csv
from django_prbac.forms import StringListFormField

[docs]class StringListField(models.TextField): """ A Django field for lists of strings """
[docs] def is_string_list(self, value): return isinstance(value, list) and all([isinstance(v, str) for v in value])
[docs] def to_python(self, value): """ Best-effort conversion of "any value" to a string list. It does not try that hard, because curious values probably indicate a mistake and we should fail early. """ # Already the appropriate python type if self.is_string_list(value): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return django_prbac.csv.parse_line(value) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value for StringListField: %r is neither the correct type nor deserializable' % value)
[docs] def get_prep_value(self, value): """ Converts the value, which must be a string list, to a comma-separated string, quoted appropriately. This format is private to the field type so it is not exposed for customization or any such thing. """ if not self.is_string_list(value): raise ValueError('Invalid value for StringListField: %r' % value) else: return django_prbac.csv.line_to_string(value, lineterminator='')
[docs] def value_to_string(self, obj): value = self.value_from_object(obj) return self.get_prep_value(value)
[docs] def formfield(self, **kwargs): """ The default form field is a StringListFormField. """ defaults = {'form_class': StringListFormField} defaults.update(kwargs) return super(StringListField, self).formfield(**defaults)
[docs] def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, *args, **kwargs): return self.to_python(value)
[docs]class StringSetField(StringListField): """ A Django field for set of strings. """ # TODO thought: If Python had polymorphism this ought be "Serialize a => Field (List a)"
[docs] def is_string_set(self, value): return isinstance(value, set) and all([isinstance(v, str) for v in value])
[docs] def to_python(self, value): """ Best-effort conversion of "any value" to a string set. Mostly strict, but a bit lenient to allow lists to be passed in by form fields. """ # Already the appropriate python type if self.is_string_set(value): return value # If it is a string list, we will turn it into a set; this lenience let's us # re-use the form field easily if self.is_string_list(value): return set(value) # First let StringListField do whatever it needs to do; this will now be a string list try: value = super(StringSetField, self).to_python(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid value for StringSetField: %r' % value) return set(value)
[docs] def value_to_string(self, obj): value = self.value_from_object(obj) return self.get_prep_value(value)
[docs] def get_prep_value(self, value): if not self.is_string_set(value): raise ValueError('Invalid value %r for StringSetField' % value) else: return super(StringSetField, self).get_prep_value(sorted(value))
[docs] def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, *args, **kwargs): return self.to_python(value)